Ancestors - Schicks

My top ancestors by generations.

Here can you find information about the ancestors our daughter Nina Schicks

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surnames of all top ancestors in alphabetical order


An Gen Geer Angenendt

Bauman Bebber Beltermann Bergerfurth Bergmann Bieseman Bongert Brammen Bruns Busenkell

Dahmen Dung

Engelskirchen Esser

Finett Fürtjes

Gathmann Gödderz


In Gen Dok

Jansen Jansen

Kessels Kill Kirsch Küsters



Pahsmann Pingel

Reiner Riedmüller

Sattler Schicks Schlaus Stalmans

Tenhagen Treek

Van de Sand

Weyhoven Weyhoven Witten

5. Generation

Beltermann [?-?] and Uroma [?-?]

Ancestor # : 22 and 23

Karl-Wilhelm Dung [?-?] and Elisabeth Gödderz [?-?]

Ancestor # : 28 and 29

Peter Küsters [?-?] and Christine Kirsch [?-?]

Ancestor # : 24 and 25

6. Generation

Johann Esser [?-?] and Anna Witten [?-?]

Ancestor # : 42 and 43

Johann Meuwissen [?-?] and Anna Litschen [?-?]

Ancestor # : 40 and 41

Konrad Pingel [1850-1885] and Elisabeth Riedmüller [1846-1902]

Ancestor # : 62 and 63

Gerhard Tenhagen [1833-1913] and Theodora Treek [1843-1926]

Ancestor # : 36 and 37

Theodor Bergmann [1842-?] and Henriette Weyhoven [1843-?]

Ancestor # : 54 and 55

7. Generation

Anton Brammen [1797-1864] and Maria Bebber [1797-1874]

Ancestor # : 76 and 77

Gerhard Bergmann [?-?] and Elise Bruns [?-?]

Ancestor # : 108 and 109

Johann Fürtjes [?-?] and Eva Angenendt [?-?]

Ancestor # : 104 and 105

Mathias Hermann [?-?]

Ancestor # : 120

Johann Jansen [?-?] and Katharina Finett [?-?]

Ancestor # : 66 and 67

Karl Jansen [?-?]

Ancestor # : 122

Josephus Kill [?-?] and Catharina Busenkell [?-?]

Ancestor # : 70 and 71

Johann Sattler [?-?] and Anna Schlaus [?-?]

Ancestor # : 68 and 69

Johann Schicks [?-?] and Anna Gathmann [1823-?]

Ancestor # : 64 and 65

Engelbert Tenhagen [1788-1870] and Gertrud Kessels [?-?]

Ancestor # : 72 and 73

Jakob Weyhoven [?-?] and Johanna Pahsmann [?-?]

Ancestor # : 106 and 107

8. Generation

Gerhardi Brammen [?-?] and Joannae Dahmen [?-?]

Ancestor # : 152 and 153

Joan Engelskirchen [1769-1842] and Maria Bongers [1775-1810]

Ancestor # : 158 and 159

9. Generation

Hermanni Bongert [?-?] and Gertrudis In Gen Dok [?-?]

Ancestor # : 318 and 319

10. Generation

Arnoldi An Gen Geer [?-?] and Catharina ---Cker [?-?]

Ancestor # : 628 and 629

Petro Bauman [?-?] and Joanne Bieseman [?-?]

Ancestor # : 626 and 627

Bulgari Bergerfurth [?-?] and Maria Reiner [?-?]

Ancestor # : 624 and 625

Corneli-- Van de Sand [?-?] and Stalmans [?-?]

Ancestor # : 630 and 631

Last update 8.10.2002 © Andreas Schicks.